For the past week heavy rain and high winds have been hitting the UK and it looks like its set to continue. Many weather warnings for heavy rain and flooding have been issued. Lots of homes have been flooded and there have already been fatalities.

If you are planning to go out onto the hills this week here are some tips to ensure you do not become another number on the list of fatalities...

Deal with Bogs

The ground was already saturated before most of the heavy rain started to fall so the heavy rain we have been receiving will make bogs twice as boggy this makes gaiters (love them or not) a must. A good way to see if ground is boggy before walking straight into it is to look for cotton grasses and other bog loving plants. If they are there then the chances are the ground will be boggy.

If you do have to cross bogs keep moving: don't do what I end up doing which is stopping to take a picture then realising you are knee deep in mud. Trekking poles will also help you to keep your balance so you don't fall face first into sludge.
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